Pine Knot #3 Smoothing Plane
Pine Knot and Bluegrass were house brands of Belknap. Belknap started in Louisville, Kentucky in 1840 twenty years before the start of the Civil War;it was started by William Burke Belknap.
They had several tiers of tools the first one is the highly recognized name of Bluegrass followed by Pine Knot, Crusader and Cyclone tools.
Other companies made their hand tools like Stanley, Sargent, Barcalo-Buffalo, Thorsen, Wright,& New Britain.
Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing Company on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This plane was made by the Stanley Rule & Level Co. for the Belknap Hardware Co. of Louisville, Kentucky. Bluegrass was the brand used on Belknap’s first-quality products, and Pine Knot was a brand used on less-expensive items. This plane would be similar in quality to Stanley’s late Defiance branded planes, and Stanley manufactured similar planes for other hardware companies such as Hibbard, Spencer & Bartlett of Chicago under the Rev-O-noC brand (Conover spelled backward, for Conover Hardware, which H,S & B had acquired).
Here it is as found
After some love and attention
Lesser Known Bailey Style Hand Plane Manufacturers
Columba #6 Fore Plane
Craftsman #619-37421 with 4way blade
Dunlap #3DBB Smoother Hand Plane
Famport - Possibly Consolidated Tool made Smoother
New York Tools Works #4 Smoother
Pine Knot #3 Smoothing Plane
Rapier #12 Block Plane
True Value Smoothing Plane
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