There are additional steps to ensure you actually have a the right manufacturer for your Hand Plane and you will likely want to know the type of t as well. Make sure you have a match for the lateral, base (frog seat), frog configuration, knob and tote (both configuration and wood type) and any unique features.
Ohio Tool #015 transitional Jack Plane
15" Jack Plane
Additional Ohio Tools Examples
(My #015-031923-2)
Ohio Tools #0120 Block Plane
Ohio Tools #0120 Block PlaneOhio #0120 (with red “japanning”) The Red Japanning would most likely put this plane 1900-1905.This is a harder to find Ohio Tools block plane in this good of shape. You often find the gea...
Ohio Tools #026 Transitional Jack Plane
15" Jack Plane
Lightly cleaned and tote and knob refinished.
Maroon japanning
Ohio Tools Examples
(My #026-012024)
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The Ohio Tools Work Book—>
A beautiful maroon japanned Ohio Tools #04 smoother. The japanning is original. The gorgeous rosewood has been refinished. The plane has been sharpened and tested.
Ohio Tools #04 Smoother
See my sharpening notes for Ohio Tools like this one --->.
A nice example of an early Ohio Tools #o4C smoother. It has been cleaned and sharpened. Ready for you right out of the box.
Note this plane has a very fine mouth...
Ohio Tools #04C Smoother
See my sharpening notes for Ohio Tools like this one --->.
A nice example of an early Ohio Tools #o4C smoother. It has been cleaned and sharpened. Ready for you right out of the box.
Ohio Tools #05 Jack Plane made for woodworking. There is not much collector value left, but as a woodworking tool, this plane can shine. Priced to get into your hands, and ready to use right out of the box. It's sharpened with a camber for rough work._x000D_\n_x000D_\nIt...
More on the Ohio Tools —> _
The Ohio Tools Work Book—>
There is not a whole lot to tell beyond the pictures. Obvious front knob replacement screw and repaired tote.
A very nice Jack plane for the woodworking shop. Sharpened for smoothing or ...
Ohio Tools #06 Fore Plane With a replacement Hock High Carbon Tool Steel (O1) Blade and Chip breaker (Hock #BBS238)
Original Iron and chip breaker are shown
The Hock blade is as it came out of the package.
The plane has been restored and...
Ohio Tools #07 Marks Patent Jointer
More information on this Ohio Tools Plane
It doesn't matter if you're an Ohio Tools collector or just looking for a jointer that may a bit of a conversational piece, this fits either.
The plane has been stripped...
Ohio Tools #08 Jointer
More on the Ohio Tools —>
The Ohio Tools Work Book—>
It's been dismantled, cleaned, sharpened and tested. Nothing more, nothing less.
Pictures should tell the story. Some beautiful rosewood. Original japanning in acc...
Ohio Tools #099 Combination Plane. This is either parts or a project plane. It's been completely disassembled (even the pesky little spur) and cleaned and oiled. The rosewood was waxed. I don't believe the short rod is original.
This is Ohio Tools...
Ohio Tools 5 1/4 Jack Plane
This is a pretty rare hand plane, unfortunately it came to me in pretty bad shape. It's been completely restored. It has a 2 1/8" wide blade (see the whole #5 1/4 story here )
It has a 2 1/8" blade which made it...
Ohio Tools Marks Patent #04 Smoother
Click here for some more Ohio Tools History
This plane is stamped with the Edward Marks’ 8-20-07 Patent frog patent date. It has the frog seat from the patent, but an adjustment screw has been added to it. The a...
O hio Tools Marks Patent Smoother with Consolidated Tool Works Iron. This blade is Probably not original to the plane.
More on the Marks Patent --->
This plane has been sharpened (note some minor pitting on the iron so the ruler trick was employed)...
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