The Simonds Manufacturing Co.    Publications & Catalog Cuts of Hand Saw Sections 1904-1923

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For those saw collector who The Simonds Manufacturing Co. these publication reprints and catalog cuts are from the The Simonds Manufacturing Co. catalogs. The list includes, — Simonds Saws and Knives 1904 Catalog Cut, — Seventy-five Years of Business Progress and Industrial Advance 1832 – 1907, — Simonds Saws and Knives 1912 Catalog Cut, — Simonds Guide for Carpenters 1914, — Simonds Saws Knives Files Steel 1916, Simonds Saws and Knives 1919 Catalog Cut, — Simonds Saws Knives Files Steel 1923, — How to File a Hand Saw 1916, And additional Early Simonds Hand Saw History. ——
Tool collectors use original catalogs to identify the vintage tools they find. Since the original catalog are sometimes difficult to find and an original copy is hard to find at a reasonable price, reprinted catalogs work well. This collection of the eight publications and over 300 pages will be a valuable resource for those looking to identify the hand saws from the era and has the added benefit of having other valuable information about the The Simonds Manufacturing Co.


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