The Disston Saw, Tool and File Book

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A reprint of the publication The Disston Saw, Tool and File Book by Henry Disston & Sons, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is a 1922 Edition of 40 pages. The book is filled with tips and information for Disston saws and other tools. The book explains the uses of different types of saws. Too often an amateur saw user expects a rip saw to cut across the grain successfully, or makes some other natural mistake. Tt is not lack of intelligence that causes these, errors, but lack of information. Many men do not even know that there is a difference between cross-cut and rip saws. There is an explanation on the types of saws and what they may be used for, along with instruction on setting, filing and general care. There is also a brief story, “How a Saw Cuts” included because it has proved to be of great interest to those who have seen it.


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