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Reprint of the Simonds Mfg Co’s How to File A Hand Saw (1916) & Simonds Guide For Carpenters (1914).. The first reprint, What Is a Hand Saw? This little book of five lessons is intended as a primer, setting forth briefly and clearly the things every user of a hand saw should know. The second reprint, Simonds guide for carpenters : a book of useful rules and illustrations gathered from different sources. In presenting this Simonds Guide for Carpenters, we aim to introduce such rules as have been found reliable, and will facilitate the daily work of every reader. Primarily, our object is to direct your attention to the Simonds Saws, illustrated in the latter pages, and to create an interest which will result in a trial of a Simonds Hand Saw, for we are positively sure the quality will be found enough superior to win the confidence of every intelligent mechanic.

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