The MWTCA Tool Swap meet for Area R will take place this Saturday

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I will be tailgating, so I hope to see some of you there.

The MWTCA Tool Swap meet for Area R will take place this Saturday from 8-2 at the Albany Shaker Heritage Society Meeting House located in Albany, NY. This gathering will also coincide with the Northeastern Woodworkers Association Annual Lumber/Tool Auction, which is located in the Dairy barn on the property.

A few items to note:

  • There are 2 public bathrooms located in the meeting house
  • This event is open to the public 
  • Coffee and other goodies will be setup in the meeting house for you to enjoy
  • A table will be setup in the meeting house for membership information regarding MWTCA
  • Bring a friend!

Looking forward to this Saturday. If you have any questions at all, you can email.

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