Stanley Liberty Bell Hand Plane Series

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Stanley Liberty Bell Hand Plane Series 1877-1918

Stanley’s made the “Liberty Bell” planes in two steel bodied models, the No. 104 and 105 and five transitional-style wood and metal framed models, the No. 122, 127, 129, 132 and 135. Stanley sold these planes for approximately 42 years, discontinuing them in 1918. The steel bodied planes had a cast iron core riveted to a steel frame for extra strength and possibly weight. Although the steel frame on the Liberty Bells was strong, it had a tendency to oxidize and many examples are found heavily rusted and pitted. One unique feature of this series is its special two-piece cutter screw with a notch engaging the adjustment lever. Cutters from these planes cannot be used in Stanley’s Bailey planes. One rare Type I plane is known with a unique difference in the cast iron core. From the front knob boss, two ribs come forward at a 450 angle to the front corners of the plane.

Excerpt from “Antique and Collectible Stanley Tools: Guide to Identity and Value by John Walter

All of My Liberty Bell Hand Planes

STANLEY  #129 Liberty Bell Transitional Fore Plane

STANLEY  #129 Liberty Bell Transitional Fore Plane

STANLEY  #129 Liberty Bell Transitional Fore Plane 20"L, 2 3/8"W, 5 5/8lbs, 1877-1918. STANLEY #129 Transitional – Liberty Bell Back to History--> All My Liberty Bell Examples (MY #129-081017-16) ...
Stanley #104 Liberty Bell Smoothing Plane

Stanley #104 Liberty Bell Smoothing Plane

Stanley #104 Liberty Bell Smoothing Plane 1877-1918 Length 9" Width of cutter 2 1/8" Weight 3 1/8# Back to History-->
Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane

Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane

Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane 1877-1918 Length 14"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 7/8# Back to History--> (My # 105-030423-2)
Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane with Undocumented Raised Tote Receiver

Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane with Undocumented Raised Tote Receiver

Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane with Undocumented Raised Tote Receiver. It is probably the last type. Note the side by side comparison with a typical Liberty Bell and the type with a flat receiver. Back to History--> ...


STANLEY #122 Transitional Liberty Bell This is a Liberty Bell Plane Stanley #122 Smooth plane, 8"L, 1 3/4"W, 2 3/8lbs, 1877-1917. Back to History--> (MY # 122-081017-2) (My #122-022523-1)
Stanley #122 Transitional Liberty Bell Type 1

Stanley #122 Transitional Liberty Bell Type 1

Stanley #122 Transitional Liberty Bell Type 1 Stanley #122 Smooth plane, 8"L, 1 3/4"W, 2 3/8lbs, 1877-1917.


Stanley #127 TRANSITIONAL – LIBERTY BELL 1877-1918 Length 15"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 1/2# Back to History-->
Stanley #127 Transitional Jack Plane

Stanley #127 Transitional Jack Plane

Stanley #127 TRANSITIONAL – LIBERTY BELL 1877-1918 Length 15"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 1/2# Back to History--> (My #127-020623-4)
Stanley #135 Transitional - Liberty Bell

Stanley #135 Transitional - Liberty Bell

STANLEY #135 Transitional - Liberty Bell STANLEY #135 Smooth plane, 10"L, 2 1/8"W, 3lbs, 1877-1918. I believe this plane was made between 1876-1886. Back to History--> (MY #135-081017-8) ...
Stanley Liberty Bell #105 Jack Plane

Stanley Liberty Bell #105 Jack Plane

Stanley Liberty Bell #105 Jack Plane 14" Long Weight 3# 8oz The Liberty Bell Main Page--> Liberty Bell Examples (My #105-011523-3)
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