The Hand Plane Collection Chronicles – First Edition – The Mark Nickel’s Collection

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The Hand Plane Collection Chronicles – First Edition – The Mark Nickel’s Collection

Hand Plane and tool enthusiast have been waiting for this. “The Hand Plane Collection Chronicles” is now available. “The Hand Plane Collection Chronicles” are a Photographic Presentation of Woodworking Hand Tools in a periodical publication.

Each issue will have a specific focus, be it on a complete collection from one collector, (like this first issue), a specific hand plane type or manufacturer or any other specified theme from multiple collectors. Unlike a typical magazine it will be image focused (think hand tool porn) with detailed and informative descriptions, educational and informative articles and expert views and opinions.

All editions, as they are published will be numbered and available at any time without a subscription. A new collector will be able to purchase them one at a time or all issues currently published to catch up.

Each edition will have an edition name starting with “The Hand Plane Collection Chronicle” and ending with an Edition Number/name like – First Edition – The Mark Nickel’s Collection
Third Edition – Plow Planes

Each edition will be 72 to about 120 pages in full color.

Although named “The Hand Plane Collection Chronicles” they will focus on any interesting hand tools. A majority will focus on vintage, but it will not necessarily be limited to it.

If you have suggestions for future editions or if you have some interesting hand tools and are interested in presenting a single hand tool, a small collection or a complete edition of your collection, please email me at

This Issue Description:

This is the first publication of a series of chronicles which will be a Photographic Presentation of Woodworking Hand Tools with descriptions, informative articles and expert opinions. This edition is an extensive look in Mark Nickel’s vintage hand plane collection along with much of his research and knowledge of the hand planes he has. Mark’s collection includes a collection of number 1 and 2 size planes and many early and unique patented hand planes. Mark does a great job researching and describing these planes. Mark also tests the planes and gives description of usability and potential flaws in the design.

This is a must have reference for any Hand plane enthusiast or collector.

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