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By David W Babcock

Part 1 Part 3


The following is a summary of the 1877 Sandusky Tool Co. (STC) catalog. In this Catalog, planes are listed by “Invoice No.” (this can be thought of as the model number), Name or Size. The wood body planes were the primary tool produced by STC.

        Bench Planes

These are the first planes listed in the catalog and include the Smooth Plane, Jack Plane, Fore Plane and Jointer Plane.

The Smooth Plane is shown to be 8”-10” in length. It could be ordered made of Applewood, Boxwood or Rosewood. The Iron (blade) was available as a tapered thickness single iron or a double iron using the same tapered thickness iron with a chip breaker. The width of the irons was 2” or 2 ¼”. STC made most of their irons from recycled locomotive springs. These were readily available, had a very high carbon content ideally suited for plane iron material. These are the irons referred to in the catalog as Best Cast Steel. For the more discriminating tradesman, planes could be ordered with the “Silver Steel Clipper” irons. These were introduced by STC at the International Exhibition in 1876 and were manufactured specifically for plane irons, highly polished appearing to be nickel platted. On the 8” plane no handle was available. The 10” plane could be had with Jack handle or the improved solid handle (of the type found on a Razee).

The Jack Plane is listed second; having a length of 16” and available in block form or Razee. All other aspects of this plane are the same as the Smooth plane.

The Fore Plane is listed next with a length of 22”, blade widths of 2 3/8” or 2 5/8” and like the Jack Plane was available in block form or Razee. All other aspects of this plane are the same as the Smooth Plane.

The last of the Bench Planes is the Jointer Plane. It was available in lengths of 26”, 28” and 30”; the iron was either 2 ½” or 2 3/4”, and was also available in block form or Razee . Again, all other aspects of this plane are the same as the Smooth Plane.

Bench plane packaging (case lots) were as follows:

        Smooth Planes           36 per case

        Jack Planes                        36 per case

        Fore Planes                        24 per case

        Jointer Planes             16 per case

Invoice Numbers found for each plane:

        Smooth Planes

                No. 1: Single Cast Steel Iron with Start

                No. 3: Double Cast Steel Iron with Start

                No. 4: Double Iron, Solid Applewood Handle

                No. 5: Double Iron, Ordinary Solid Handle

                No. 5 ¼: Double Iron, Improved Solid Handle

                No. 5 ½: Double Iron, Jack Handle

                No. 6: Double Iron, Slip Mouth

                No. 7: Double Iron, Boxwood

                No. 8: Double Iron, Rosewood

                No. 9: Double Iron, Rosewood, Improved Solid Handle

Note: The Smooth Plane could be ordered with Polished Silver Steel Clipper Irons at additional cost.

Jack Planes

        No. 10 Single Cast Steel Iron with Start

        No. 11 Single Cast Steel Iron, Handle Bolt and Start

        No. 12 Single Cast Steel Iron, Razee

        No. 13 Double Iron with Start

        No. 14 Double Iron, Handle Bolt and Start

        No. 15 Double Iron, Razee and Start

Fore Planes

        No. 16 Single Cast Steel Iron with Start

No. 17 Single Cast Steel Iron, Handle Bolt and Start

No. 18 Single Cast Steel Iron, Razee and Handle

                No. 19 Double Cast steel Iron with Start

No. 20 Double Cast Steel Iron, Handle Bolt and Start

No. 21 Double Cast Steel Iron, Razee and start

        Jointer Planes

                No. 22 Single Cast Steel Iron with Start

                No. 23 Single Cast Steel Iron, Handle and Start

                No. 24 Single Cast Steel Iron, Razee and Start

                No. 25 Double Cast Steel Iron with Start

                No. 26 Double Cast Steel Iron, Handle Bolt and Start

                No. 27 Double Cast Steel Iron, Razee with Start

Note: The Jack, Fore and Jointer Planes were available with Polished silver Steel Clipper Irons and improved handles at additional cost.

        Plane Sets

                No. 0 – Set of 4, Ebony Start, Handle Bolt, Extra Finish, single or double irons and the “very best timber”. Set comprised of a Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Plane.

                No. 00 – Set of 3 Boxwood Planes with double irons; comprised of Smooth, Jack and Fore Plane.

                No. 01 – Set of 4 Applewood Planes, double or single irons; Polished Silver Steel Clipper Irons were available at additional cost. Set comprised of a Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Plane.

                No. 02 – Set of 4 Ship Planes, double or single irons; Polished Silver Steel Clipper Irons and improved handles were available at additional cost. Set comprised of a Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Plane.

                N0. – 05 Set of 3 Razee or Recess Handle Planes, prime second growth timber, single or double iron; improved handles and Polished Silver Steel Clipper Irons were available at additional cost.

Other Planes

                No. 06 – German Pattern Planes were available as a Smooth Plane with horn, single or double iron and a Jack Plane with horn, handle and single or double iron

                No. 07 – Toy Planes were either a Smooth or Jack Plane and were available with single or double iron.

Miscellaneous Planes

        No. 36 Tooth Plane, cast steel iron

        No. 36 ½ Tooth Plane extra fine, Applewood

        No. 37 Handrail Plane

        No. 38 Mitre Plane, Square 1 7/8”

Miscellaneous Planes (cont.)

        No. 38 ½ Mitre Plane Smooth Shape

        No. 39 Mitre Plane Smooth Shape Double Iron

        No. 40 Shooting Plane for Picture Frames with box

        No. 41 Gutter Plane for Picture Frames with box

        No. 42 Pump Plane for Chain Pumps

        No. 43 Pump Plane with handle

        No. 44 Single Circular or Heel Plane

        No. 45 Double Circular or Heel Plane

        No. 45 ½ Box Maker’s Plane Double Iron

        N0. 045 ½ Box Maker’s Plane single iron

        Other Misc. Planes (No invoice number shown)

                Key Plane Double Iron

                Key Plane Single Iron

                Carriage Maker’s “T” Rabbet Plane

Planes with Best English Irons

        These were offered in three forms; Smooth, Fore and Jointer Planes (26”, 28’ & 30’). They were available with single or double irons, the body of “Best” second growth Beech and with or without a polished start

Morris’ Patent Diamond Metalic Bench Plane

        Patent Number 109037 was granted to Ellis H Morris on November 8, 1870. The Patent was titled “Improvement in Planes” and was described as “The claimed invention is a cast stock with intersecting ridges in the sole. The inventor says this reduces Friction”. The Morris Plane was available as a 10” Smooth Plane with 2 ¼’ double iron, 16” Jack Plane with 2 ¼” double iron and a 22” Jointer Plane with 2 ½” double Iron.

        Morris also held Patent number 112949, granted on March 21, 1871 for a Combination Plane, however, this plane is not listed in the 1877 catalog.

Specialty Planes 1877 Catalog

There are 24 pages of these types of planes; hollows & rounds, molding, plow, panel, etc. shown in this catalog. It is suggested that this catalog be refered to for specifics on these types of planes.


  1. The Sandusky Tool Company Catalog of 1877

     As reprinted by: The Astragal Press

  • Directory of American Tool and Machinery Patents (
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