I bought this gutter adze at a flea market earlier this summer. I brought it home and sharpened it. It worked fairly well, but the handle was short, and ultimately it broke.
Today I decided to rehang it. Finding a piece of straight grained Ash, I cut it to length and split it out slightly over-sized.

I laid out the handle I wanted, roughly following a Axe handle.

After marking it out I cut the rough shape on the band saw and began to shape it with a draw knife.

Then some carving with my trusty Bearded Hatchet / Axe combo to fit the handle into the head.

Some finer fitting with the Shinto Rasp.

And then some additional final fitting with the Mora #106. It took a little back and forth with the knife and the rasp to get it just right.

The wedge slot was cut with the band saw, making sure it was parallel to the grain.

And for the wedge I chose a piece of rosewood from the scrap bucket

A quick coat of BLO and it’s ready to be tested. Here is a half log split from a dead black birch.

It now has the length to work with one or two hands. A two hand grip can really make the chips fly.

This is bigger than my other adzes, so it will be handy for the larger bowls.
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