Stanley #45/55 Spur Cleaning and Sharpening By Tom Strader

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By Tom Strader

Stanley 45/55 Spur Cleaning and Sharpening.
I recently received a Stanley 45 with a small envelope containing a slightly rusty Spur. How to clean. First I cut a block of wood with a bevel on one side to hold my 600 grit sand paper. Next, I shaped two pencil erasers, one for each side, as the hole is shaped differently on each side. By placing the eraser above the hole and lapping to and fro on both sides I was able to bring the spur back to life. Then on the bevel side of the wood with the paper stretched tight, I was able to sharpen the spur to my satisfaction.
Just a little tip I thought everyone might enjoy.


Stanley #45 Spurs

Stanley #45/55 Spur

Stanley #45/55 Spur cleaning

Stanley #45/55 Spur sharpening

Stanley #45/55 Spur sharpening


Stanley #45 Spur Sharpening





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