WOODEN BENCH PLANES (Most commonly found on carpenters benches) By Tom Strader

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BENCH PLANES (Most commonly found on carpenters benches)

Smooth Plane: commonly called a Coffin. Common Size 6 ½ “ to 9 “

Smooth Plane: commonly called a Coffin. Common Size 6 ½ “ to 9 “

Smooth Plane, coffin, with a front knob

Smooth Plane, coffin, with a front knob.

Smoothing Plane, coffin, with Handle and front Strike Button

Smoothing Plane, coffin, with Handle and front Strike Button. Handles add an additional 1 ½” to the overall length of the plane

Adjustable Compass Plane a curved sole for concave surfaces

Adjustable Compass Plane a curved sole for concave surfaces

German Smooth Plane or Horned Plane

German Smooth Plane or Horned Plane

Transitional Smooth Plane by Stanley-Bailey

Transitional Smooth Plane by Stanley-Bailey

Transitional Handled Smooth Plane by Stanley-Bailey

Transitional Handled Smooth Plane by Stanley-Bailey.

Smooth Plane, square.

Smooth Plane, square.

Transitional Handled Jack Plane by Stanley-Bailey

Transitional Handled Jack Plane by Stanley-Bailey

Jack Plane with front knob

Jack Plane with front knob

Jointer Plane Sizes from 22” to 30” Jointers over 32” were called Floor Planes

Jointer Plane Sizes from 22” to 30” Jointers over 32” were called Floor Planes

Jack Plane (most common 16”)Sizes from 14” to 18”

Jack Plane (most common 16”)Sizes from 14” to 18”


Badger Plane (large rabbet) Skewed Iron (Mathieson)

Badger Plane (large rabbet) Skewed Iron (Mathieson)

Panel Raiser with adjustable fence(nicker missing)

Panel Raiser with adjustable fence(nicker missing)


Rabbets (sizes range ½” to 2-½”)

Rabbets (sizes range ½” to 2-½”)

(left side) Snipe Bill (Rt. Side) Pair of side Rabbets

(left side) Snipe Bill (Rt. Side) Pair of side Rabbets

16” Jack Rabbet (nickers missing) With offset tote

16” Jack Rabbet (nickers missing) With offset tote

Moving filletster

Moving filletster


Tongue & Groove (Board match planes) Sizes range ½” to 5/4”

Tongue & Groove (Board match planes) Sizes range ½” to 5/4”

Tongue & Groove (handled)

Tongue & Groove (handled)

Double Match (come & go) (Mathieson)

Double Match (come & go) (Mathieson)

Drawer Plane (left handed grooving plane)

Drawer Plane (left handed grooving plane)

Grooving Plane (with adjustable fence)

Grooving Plane (with adjustable fence)

Tongue Plane (with adjustable fence)

Tongue Plane (with adjustable fence)


Plank match pair (tongue & groove) 


Plank match pair (tongue & groove)  ( commonly measuring 16” in length and working boards up to 1 ½ “ )

Wedge-arm match pair

Wedge-arm match pair

Plow Plane (Friction fit)

Plow Plane (Friction fit)

Plow Plane (Wedge-arm)

Plow Plane (Wedge-arm)

Plow Plane (screw-lock slide-arm)

Plow Plane (screw-lock slide-arm) Birch body and wood arm-locks Metal depth stop with brass thumb screws (Lindenberger )

Plow Plane (Wedge-arm)

Plow Plane (Wedge-arm) Removable front and rear skate Removable round fence  (Coachmaker’s plow)


Plow Plane (screw-lock slide-arm)

Plow Plane (screw-lock slide-arm) Beech body and wood arm-locks and stop

Plow Plane (Bridle Plow)

Plow Plane (Bridle Plow)

Screw-adjusted slide arm with an interior screw in arms

Screw-adjusted slide arm with an interior screw in arms

Handled Screw-arm plow Adjusted Mahogany body with boxwood arms and nuts

Handled Screw-arm plow Adjusted Mahogany body with boxwood arms and nuts

Handled Screw-arm plow Scale on the fence shows distance

Handled Screw-arm plow Scale on the fence shows distance

Handled Bridle Plow

Handled Bridle Plow (Ebony arms)Mathieson (United Kingdom) for the groove


Dado (Cross-grain groove)

Dado (Cross-grain groove)



Left: Diamond pad self-regulating Rt.: Screw-arm adjustable sash

Left: Diamond pad self-regulating

Rt.: Screw-arm adjustable sash

Sash coping planeSash coping plane

Sash coping plane

Sash Filletster Heel + Toe Screw-lock

Sash Filletster Heel + Toe Screw-lock

Continental, Sash Filletster Screw-arm

Continental, Sash Filletster Screw-arm


Left pair: hollow and round Second: casing molding Third: center bead Fourth: side bead

Left pair: hollow and round

Second: casing molding

Third: center bead

Fourth: side bead

Left: quirk ogee Second: quirk ogee Third: ogee with bead

Left: quirk ogee

Second: quirk ogee

Third: ogee with bead

eft: Double iron nosing plane Right: Single iron nosing plane

Left: Double iron nosing plane

Right: Single iron nosing plane

The pictures above are a small sample of wooden planes. This is only intended to be a brief lesson in types.

For an in-depth study of planes go to The Wooden Plane: Its History, Form and Function by John M. Whelan


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