Roger K. Smith’s 2010 calendar

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I’ve got several of these prints framed in my office. As usual some great information from Roger, and cool pictures to boot.


Above: Center Wheel Plow Plane with ebony body and fence and ivory arms and bridle.
Nickel-plated brass hardware, 11 1/2″ I. x 8 1 1/1 6″ w. including arms,
This was made by the Sandusky Tool Company of Sandusky, Ohio as a special display
and exhibition model.

Sandusky Tool Co, Center Wheel Plow Plane. This plane achieved the record price
known for a single antique tool when It was sold for $114,500 (including premium)
at the Brown Auction In Harrisburg, PA on Oct. 23, 2004,

Below: Sandusky Tool Company Letterhead dated September 23, 1920




Above: Jones Mitreing or Shoot Board Plane. Frame is 30″ l. x 10″‘ w. x 6 1/8″ h. The plane is 15″ l.
US. Patent No. 153,343 granted to Joseph Jones of Newark, NJ July 21, 1874.
Inset, upper right: Jones Patent Shoot Board Plane. U.S. patent No. 52,719 was granted to
Joseph Jones on February 90, 1866. This plane is shown in “Patented Transitional & Metallic Plane in America, 1827-1927”, p. 147, and is shown here for comparison purposes.

Inset, bottom: Jones Brass Name Plate mounted on the wood base of the plane above.
Below: Laflin Manufacturing Company Letterhead dated June 10, 1880. (Manufactured Rodier’s planes.)


The Shöotboard Frame with the Wood Plane was Jones’ first attempt at developing
a shoot board plane. The wood plane on the frame was made for him by
Mockridge & Francis, Navark, NJ. NO.1 iS stamped in 4 places. The overall Size of
the frame is 7″ x 18″, Jones had a total of 4 patents for similar planes, and also
patented a scraper plane U.S. Patent No. 135 341 -January 28, 1873



Baines Brass Patent Model. Body 7 5/8″ l. x 2 1/9″ w. (4 7/16″ w. including extension) x 5 5/8″h Single iron 1 15/16″ w. Hardwood handle. Wedge probably a replacement. US Patent 148,649-march 17, 1874 granted to John A. Baines, New York City.

Below: MC Mayo’s Trade Card for his combination plane. No. 167,772, granted September 14 1875, Boston, Mass. Card probably distributed at Centennial Exhibition in 1876.


John A. Baines is listed in the 1880 U.S. Census as living in New York City (Manhattan),  age 40, born in England. His Wife was Adelaide. His occupation was listed as ‘Oar Manufacturer.”



Norwoods Patent Block Plane. U.S. patent No. 161,701 was granted to John E, Norwood in Boston Mass on April
6, 1875. Regular size block plane, 7 5/16″ l. x 1 3/4″ w With 1 3/4″ w. single iron. Norwood’s King size Block Plane with lever-lock detachable handle, 9 5/8″ I. x 2 1/8″ w. with 2 1/8″ w. single iron, was made in York, Maine C.1875. Both irons stamped PAT. APRIL 6, 1815. Upper Corner: Photo of John Norwood holding a violin that he made and played.

John Edward Norwood was born Dec. 4 1838 at York/ Maine. He moved to Mass. in 1855, and worked as a carpenter. He was In the furniture manufacturing business in 1872-75. During that period he was developing his block plane, and was granted a patent on April 6, 1875. The small block plane shown is well known, but the “king-sized” version with a detachable handle IS rare.
Norwood marred Ellen (Scofldd) Norwood on Nov. 28 1866. They never had any children. He moved back to York in late 1875 and constructed homes and summer cottages. In 1871 he erected a large summer boarding house, and operated it until his death on May 1, 1920 He was widely respected in the York area. He enjoyed playing his violin at family gatherings, etc. He made at least two violins which are now in the York Historical Society Collection.



Above: Blandin’s Patent No. 1 Size Iron Smooth Plane, 5″ l, x 1 3/8″ w With a 1/8″ w. single Iron.
U.S. patent No. 64,477 – May 7, 1867 was granted to Benjamin A Blandin of Charlestown, Mass..
Mfrd. by the A, W, Crossman Company West Warren, Mass.

Upper Right Corner: Photo of Benjamin A, Blandin and sample of the 1870 A. W. Crossman & Son Catalog



Above: Adam’s Patent Iron Bench Plane, 17 3/8″ l. x 2 3/4″ w, Double iron 2″ w, Beech handle and knob.
S. M. ADAMS PATENT JUNE 4, 1872 stamped on the frame behind the front knob.
U.S. patent No. 197,541 was granted to Samuel M. Adams at Fitchburg, Mass., on June 4, 1872.
Sections of the sole adjust to form various curves for making wood patterns. It operates similar to a “Venetian blind
mechanism, This would be equ pped with several rounded cutters of dfferent radii.

Samuel Minot Adams was born in Concord, VT on March 2, 1829. He first trained as a machinist in Concord, but later worked in Jersey City, NJ and Orange, Mass v moving to Fitchburg, Mass, about 1862. He first worked as a machinist at the Putnam Machine
Cow but later became a patternmaker. This firm had a large machine shop and foundry He probably made the patents for his plane and had it cast in the foundry. The example shown is probably the only one extant. In 1886 he left the Putnam firm and became a foreman patternmaker at the Union Machine Co. until he retired on March 9, 1911. In his spare time, Adams made Violins, His obituary states that he made 55 violins In his lifetime. There were 10 violins listed in his estate inventory, His wife was Nancy Ann (Powers) Adams, born in Croydon, NH in 1837. They had 2 sons, Herbert and Ernest, and a daughter, Medora (Dora) (Adams) Amsden, Herbert Adams became one of the most noted sculptors in the U.S. Several of his statues are located in Fitchburg. Samuel Adams died at his home at 36 Chestnut St. on April 18, 191 2, He is buried with most of his family in the Forest Hill Cemetery in Fitchburg.



Above: Thompson’s Patented Bench Plane. Cast iron base 18 3/4” l. x 2 11/16” w. with a corrugated sole.

Rosewood handle and knob, U S. Pat, No, ‘1 53,399 – July (21, 874/ granted to George M. Thompson of Boston, Mass,
Below: Combination Shoot Board and Type-High Machine, used to true up type and printing cuts to assure consistent dimensions (especially height) when setting up a form for printing,

Lower Inset: A cut from a 1908 Hansen Type Foundry Catalog.

Printer’s Shoot Board Plane. Although this plane was not used by a woodworker, per se, it was used for trimming wood type, This plane, and others of similar design, has raised the question. What is It? many times among collectors: etc Thus the publisher has shown It here to inform collectors dealers, etc of just what this plane does. There is no known patent for this plane.



Above: Kraengel’s Patent Iron Bench Plane. U.S. patent No. 931,331 was granted to Frederick Kraensel at Buffalo, N.Y on August 17, 1880. 15 1/8″ l. x 2 1/2″ with a 2 3/16″ w, double iron. Beech handle and front knob.
Below: Kraengel’s Patent Level, mahogany, 16″ l. with brass trim. This was U.S. Patent No. 250,080 granted to Frederick Kraensel on Nov. 29/ 1881.




Above: Alexander Mason’s Patented Match Plane, brass frame, 10 1/2″ xl 1/4″ w. x 4 3/4″ h. Ebony knob and handle grips,
U, S, Patent No, 748/199 – Dec. 99, 1903 granted to Alexander Mason of Salem, Mass.

Inset: Rice’s Patent Panel or Slitting Gauge. Rosewood handle fence and beam with brass trim, 5″ h. x 5 5/8″ w, x 14″ overall length
U.S. patent No. 142,584 – September 9, 1873 granted to Thomas Rice of Boston, Mass.



Above: Newton Shuttle Planer. Base 19 1/8″ l. x 3 3/8″ w. x 3″ h. U.S. Patent No. 412,930 granted to J. M. Newton Oct. 15, 1889. Norwich, Conn. NEWTONS SHUTTLE PLANER cast on one side, F. M, UFFORD. NORWICH, CONN, PATENT RIGHTS SECURED cast on opposite side

Inset: Hardwood Shuttle used in textile looms. The sides had to be smoothed at perfect right angles because of its fast travel in the loom. The shuttle planer would facilitate this.
Below: Letterhead used by H. E Livermore Company, c. 1950, Note emphasis on initials


The patent for the Newton Shuttle Planer was granted to John M. Newton of Norwich, CT. on Oct 15, 1889, Newton was born In 1840 The 1880 Directory lists him as a machinist. He later became involved n the manufacture of textile machinery. 1895 he was listed as “retired.” No other Information IS available. The F. M. UFFORD cast on the frame was Frank M. Ufford. He was listed in the 1890
Norwich Directory as owning a “pistol shop” on North Main St. He probably purchased the patent rights from Newton, and cast the shuttle planer at his shop. Apparently he contracted with the Stanley Rule & Level Co. to have the planes made that equipped the shuttle planer. The early type shuttle planes known date from the 1890 period, The later style shuttle planes, as shown on the October page, date from the 1920’s and have the L20-82E-HFL designation. The HFL is believed to represent the H. E Livermore Co, originally located at (Alston) Boston, Mass. They probably contracted with Stanley to have the planes manufactured/ c. 1925. This firm Is still in business, but has no Information. (See the M-WCA Journal, “The Gristmill”, No. 99, June 9000, pp. 19-14, with article by Pau’ Van Pernis for more Information.)



Above: Price’s Patent Bench Plane, 9 1/4″ l. including overhang, 2 7/16″ w. with 2″ w. double iron. Rosewood handle and knob,
U.S. Patent No. 916,698 – June 17, 1879 granted to Henry B. Price of New York City. One other brass prototype is known.

Henry B. Price and his wife Adelaide were both born in England in 1849. The 1880 census indicates they had 9 children age 3 months to 18 years, and Henry was listed as a carpenter, Like many other carpenters who patented planes, he was trying to improve the tools he worked with.



Above: Stanley Planes: No. 78 Duplex Rabbet and Fillister Plane, 8 1/4″ l. Mfg. 1884-1984; No. 131 Double End Adjustable Block Plane, 8″ l. Mfg. 1884-1955; No. 90 Bull Nose Rabbet Plane, 4″ l. Mfg. 1898-1968; No, 109 Block Plane, 5 1/9″ I. Mfg. 1876-1962.
Shown with the bronze (aloy) patterns that were used to cast these planes.
Inset: 1923 Stanley Dealers Catalog No. 120.

Stanley Plane Castings were made by pouring molten iron Into a sand mold, To make the mold it is necessary to have d pattern for each type of tool. Patterns that are to be used only a few times are usually constructed of wood. However, when hundreds of castings are to be made, metallic patterns, such as those shown on the December page, are used for their durability. The patterns are made slightly
oversize to allow for shrinkage of the metal when coding. (This is the reason pattern makers use shrinkage rules.) After the castings cool off and are Inspected for flaws they are ready for machining operations



Above: D’Elia Antique Tool Museum, 21 Brook Road/ Scotland, Conn. Over 1,000 planes are neatly exhibited in over 20 oak cases with glass doors and shelves. Planes are accompanied by captions providing basic information and many are displayed with a copy of their patent. (See back of calendar for directions to museum.) The museum is open mid-May through mid-September, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or year round by appointment. Tel: 860-423-2016 or

D’Elia Antique Tool Museum. If you are interested in patented planes or have an interest in the development of technology during and after the Industrial Revolution you will want to visit ths museum, The museum covers approximately 1000 square feet, and is located in the Scotland Public Library Building. The collection of patented planes is probably the largest ever assembled in one place.
Directions: Scotland CT. is in eastern Connecticut and is easily reached from north or south by Rt. 395. From 395 take Rt. 14 west to Scotland From Hartford take Rt. 6 to Rt. 14 east. Brook Road IS n the center of Scotland, directly across from the small town green between the two small churches.



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