Mixtures for wood working tasks

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Brett Cordell posted this on the Facebook group “Unplugged Woodworkers”. Although not completely related to tools, I often use similar formulas to finish wood planes, and knobs and totes, so I thought I’d include it here with his permission.

NOTE: If your on a mobile device, i’m working on getting the format to wrap.

Mixtures for wood working task

Task Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4 Ingredient 5 Ingredient 6 RATIO Author found Link to site
Beeswax Furniture Polish Lindseed oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Leather care Lindseed oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Outdoor furniture Protection Lindseed oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Handsaw Plate wax Mineral Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Metal Table Slick wax Mineral Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Cutting Boards Mineral Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Wooden Spoon Mineral Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Tung Oil Furniture Polish Tung Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Fabric Water proofing Mineral Spirits Beeswax 1:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Fire Starter Saw Dust Beeswax 1:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Waxed Danish Oil Danish Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Nails Mineral Oil Beeswax 3:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Water proofing Matches Mineral Oil Beeswax 3:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Barewood Finish 1 pound Beeswax 1 pint Turpintine 1 pint Boiled Linseed oil Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Wood Furniture Polish 1 Ounce Beeswax 1 pint Turpintine 2 cups water 1 ounce soap flakes Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Petroleum Jelly 1 ounce Beeswax 1/2 cup Mineral oil Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Skin Care: Dry Skin Olive Oil Beeswax 4:1 Darbin Orvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVOVT6yMK1s
Hand Lotion 1 part Beeswax 4 parts olive oil dash of Coconut oil Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Lip Balm 1tblsp Beeswax 1tblsp Coconut oil 2 capsules Vitiman E Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Lip Gloss 1tblsp Beeswax 1tblsp Coconut oil 4 drops essential oil (orange, apple ect) Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
All Porpose Skin Cream 3 ounces of beeswax 2/3 cup Mineral oil 4 ounces of Lanolin 3/4 cup water 1 teaspoon Borax 3 drops Essential oil (Orange Apple excetera) Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Antisceptic Balm 2 ounces Beeswax 1 Ounce Jojoba Oil 3 Ounces Sweet Almond Oil 1 tblsp wheat germ 1 tblsp Myrhh 1 tblsp tea tree essential oil Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Herbal Salve 2 ounces Beeswax 1 ounce Johoba oil 3 Ounces Sweet Almond Oil 1/2 ounce Canola Oil 2 tblsp essential oil of your choice Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Moisterizing crèam 1 ounce Beeswax 4 ounces sweet almond oil 2 ounces water 1 tbsp vitamin E oil 1 tsp Lavender essential oil Beeswax CO. LLC http://www.beeswaxco.com/beeswax-recipes.php
Wooden Plane Cleaner 30
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