From Mark H Robinson’s Collection – multitool meat cleaver

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I was out walking in the woods on my land in Texas, when I came upon this strange bird, nestled in a huge old pine tree… Some kind of tree creeper, maybe, or a rare woodpecker? Closer inspection revealed its true nature!

This one has something for everyone! It is a multitool meat cleaver, tenderizer, ice shaver and bottle opener. Made by the K.D. & S. Company of Chicago, Illinois, some time between 1910-1930, it is relatively rare (I’ve only seen maybe a half dozen of th…em down the years). All of those I’ve seen are marked “PAT. APPLD. FOR” – I wonder if they were ever actually awarded a patent, or if they ceased manufacture before a patent was issued? I’ve also found no other trace of the KD & S Co, except for their mark on these tools.

Interestingly, I’ve seen two that were also marked, in large text on the center of the ‘blade’, “ATLAS TIP TOP BREAD MADE WITH MILK”. Probably a promotional giveaway by the Atlas Bakery, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin – who amongst many other things are famous for their ‘win a free pony’ contest of 1915, where the ‘seven boys and girls whose labels (turned in during the contest) count up the highest, will win the seven wonderful pony prizes!’

This is in great condition for something that’s maybe a hundred years old, with nice patinas on the blade, brass ferrule and wood handle.

multitool meat cleaver








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