From Mark H Robinson’s Collection – a three part a mystery handtool challenge

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For my Saturday Night Special, here’s another attempt at a flatlay – or in this case, more of an overlay… and, to make it a little more interesting, it is also a three part a mystery handtool challenge!

Each of these tools, which were all made by the same manufacturer, is in excellent condition for its age, and has acquired a nice patina as it travelled down the years. They are all highly collectible, and each has a place in my permanent collection.

Challenge 1: Who made… them all?

Challenge 2: Can you name, and/or describe the use of, each one?

Challenge 3: Other than manufacturer, can you state three more things that they have in common?







Answer below.










Answers to the challenges…
Part 1: These were all made by Stanley
Part 2: 10 inch ‘Stilson’ pipe wrench; No. 2 Trammel Points; #138 Level Sights; #62 brass bound, four fold boxwood rule; #80 marking gauge
Part 3: All have a Sweetheart logo; all were made between 1923 and 1935; all were made in the USA.









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