Fillister Restored

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Here is a past restore of a moving fillister


After taking this apart I had a missing wedge for the knicker, the main wedge was to small, the threaded bolt for the depth stop is in pieces, the bolts that hold the fence was stripped, and the fence itself was beyond repair.

This sat on my bench for a long time in pieces. I wasn’t sure if I could fix the threaded piece so it looked correct and it intimidated me a little.



The threaded piece for the depth stop came out in 3 different pieces. I re-threaded everything for 1/4 x 20 threads. I had to drill out the brass wing head and re-tap that as well. I should have snapped a picture, but this is 3 pieces. The top (wing) the plate that’s screwed to the plane, and the bottom. The bottom is threw drilled with a pin. I re-drilled and used a 6 penny finish nail peened on both sides to prevent the bottom from moving.

The top (wing) is simply threaded in and tighten down.


I had some cherry scraps laying around and decided top use that for the replacement parts. I’ve made a few thing out of cherry lately and kind of like the look.


2 new wedges, made from cherry.



The Holes in the bottom that held the fence were stripped. I drill and glued some dowel and re-drilled for the screws to hold.



And finally completed.


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