Craftsman Hand Plane Model Number Comparison

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Craftsman Hand Plane Model Number Comparison, for those asking “Who made my Craftsman Plane”?

Some Additional Information from Glen on Millers Falls

Dating the logo

An enormous amount of information and a type study on “A Plane Life” Thanks Greg!!

Before the Craftsman brand came about in 1927, Fulton was the top Craftsman tool. These were the same as the Sargent planes being produced at the time. Here is some more infrmation on Fulton.

This is a work in progress. 

I know this doesn’t format well on smaller mobile devices, but turn the phone sideways. Its still not perfect but data is shown.

3 number Identifiers are: —(Millers falls – 107), –(Stanley – 187), –(Sargent – none), –(Sargent/Hercules – 619)

If these letters are in the model – BB is Millers falls, BL is Sargent, and DD stanley.

Craftsman Craftsman Craftsman Stanley No. Millers falls No. Sargent No.
By Millers Falls By Stanley Buy Sargent      
 ———-  ———-   ———-      
      2 7 407
3CBB     3 8 408



 187.37064 619-3742




4 9 409
      4 1/2 10 410






187.37055 DD



5 14 414
      5 1/2 15 415
      5 1/4 11 411




  619.3748  6 18 418






7 22 422
?? ?? ??      [2] 8 24 424








9 1/2 16 306
 107-37032        16 [1] 26   306
107-37032B     None 16CG None
      18 36 4306
      19 37 4307
    3728 45   1080
      60 1/2    
    3732 65 47   
      65 1/2    
  107-37039   3730




78 85 79
       110  87  107



 187 37057



3705  101  33  No #
  187.37151   220 England    
 107-37031 187.37051   220    
none none 3740 none none 600
    3732     5607
By Millers Falls By Stanley Buy Sargent      
Craftsman Craftsman Craftsman Stanley No. Millers falls No. Sargent No.

[1] The Stanley #16 and # 9 1/2 are the same except for finish has its metal trim is nickel plated; the front knob, the depth adjustment nut, and the lever cap are nickel plated.

[2]I have found no evidence of a Craftsman #8 size jointer

Additional information sent to me.

“Subject: Sears Craftsman (Stanley- England) plane

Message Body:

Came across your page w/chart for old craftsman planes and thought I’d offer an addition. I have a craftsman bench smoothing plane, item 37168. It’s 9 3/4″ long w/ 2″ wide cutter. It’s made in England, and so cross referenced w/your chart it should’ve been made by Stanley. Booklet, also made in England, is intact, titled “Plane Facts” (repeated vertically down the front of the booklet). Inside has 2 main sections, the front/first referencing Sears bench planes, the back/second referencing block planes. Three models comprising the “Bench Plane Range”: 37164 w/ identical specs as mine (smoothing plane), 37165 (Jack plane, in your chart), and my 37168. No indication of how 376164 differs from 37168 – both listed 9 3/4″ w/ 2″cutter- but based on replacement parts listed in the booklet, it’s likely cosmetic (knobs, screws, lever assbly part #’s differ). The two models comprising the “Block Plane Range” are: 37151 “Semi Adjustable”, a 7 1/8″ w/ 1 5/8″ cutter, and 37167 “Manually Adjustable”, a 6 5/8″ w/1 5/8″ cutter. The booklet includes short instructions on how to set up, use, bring back the edge, troubleshoot, and slight repairs along w/parts listings. The graphics on the box and in the booklet are both black/white including illustrations in the guide to help the user. I found this interesting given that the color pop of the red elements of the plane, that they’d leave the box so boringly b&w. Hope that helps!”


And more information……………

From: Greg Ricketts Subject: Your article, “Craftsman Hand Plane Model Number Comparison” from February 2016

As I have been researching Sears, Roebuck & Co. iron hand planes for the past year, primarily focused on the Fulton brand, I have acquired a good deal of documentation on Craftsman brand iron planes as well. If you care to update your article, here is some information to fill in the gaps:

The Craftsman line of iron bench planes was introduced in the 1928 Spring Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog. The Craftsman bench plane line last appeared in the 1981 Spring catalog with only a #4 size smoother plane available. A Craftsman #8 size jointer plane was never offered.

Currently, I have only documented Sears, Roebuck and Co. offering iron bench planes beginning in the 1896 Spring catalog, however, I suspect they may have been offered in the first expanded catalog published in 1894. I am still working to confirm this.

As documented so far, Sears, Roebuck & Co. offered the following iron bench planes (in chronological order):

Stanley Bailey (not all sizes available the entire period)
1896-1907 Stanley Bailey iron bench planes smooth bottom size #1-#8
1896-1907 Stanley Bailey iron bench planes corrugated bottom size #2-#8

Baily “Imitation” Plane (Unbranded “house” planes)
1896-1897 Unbranded iron bench plane sold as “Imitation Bailey Plane” size #3, #5, #6, #8

Sears, Roebuck & Co. Brand
1901- 1902 Sears, Roebuck & Co.’s Adjustable Smooth Bottom Planes size #3-#8, including #4 1/2, #5 1/4, #5 1/2 (probably manufactured by Stanley based on the era and sizes offered. I have never seen one of these planes and any identifying casting or trademark stamp is unknown)

Adjustable Iron Planes (Sears unbranded “house” planes)
1903-1904 Adjustable Iron bench smooth bottom planes sizes #2-#8 including #4 1/4, # 4 1/2, #5 1/4, #5 1/2, # 5 3/4
1903-1904 Adjustable Iron bench corrugated planes sizes #3-#8 including #4 1/4, # 4 1/2, #5 1/4, #5 1/2, # 5 3/4

Stanley Bedrock (not all sizes available the entire period)
1904-1907 Stanley Bedrock iron bench planes smooth bottom size #2-#8
1904-1907 Stanley Bedrock iron bench planes corrugated bottom size #2-#8

Chaplin’s Improved Patent Plane
1905-1907 Chaplin’s iron bench planes corrugated bottom size #3-#8

Fulton Brand (Sears premium “house” brand planes until Craftsman introduced. Not all sizes offered during the entire era)
1904-1947 Fulton iron bench planes smooth bottom #2-#8
1904-1947 Fulton iron bench planes corrugated bottom #2-#8
1955 Fulton iron bench planes manufactured in W. Germany, imported under the Fulton brand in size #4, #6 only.

Craftsman Brand (Sears premium “house” brand planes only size 4, 5, 6, 7 offered)
1928-1981 Craftsman iron bench planes smooth bottom size #4-#7
1928-1968 Craftsman iron bench planes corrugated bottom size #4-#7

Merit Brand (Sears “house” brand priced between Craftsman and Fulton line of planes)
1929-1933 Merit iron bench planes smooth bottom size #4 and #5

Dunlap Brand (Sears “house” brand priced between Fulton and Craftsman)
1939-1956 Dunlap iron bench planes smooth bottom size #3-#6 (Dunlap block planes offered from 1937-1956)

I have .jpg files of all the catalog documentation for the above if you would like any of it. Some interesting old advertisements.

Hope this answers a few questions,


——Thanks Greg—–


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