Making the 2015 Toted Infill Smoother Part 5

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In deciding on a knob, I once again decided to make my own. i had an idea of what i wanted. So i took a piece of 1″ brass rod. Put it in the wood lath and drilled and tapped it for a 5/16″ thread with a 5/16″ tapclip_image001.


Next i drew out some even lines. Start with a line on each side, and keep marking half. You’ll get as even as your eye can determine.


Next, I put a chamfer on it. I like the looks, but it also does something else. It will give you a reference line to cut your groove to.


For this one I used a dremel to with a Dremel EZ406-02 1 1/2-Inch EZ Lock Rotary Tool Cut-Off Wheel and Mandrelclip_image001[1]

Next one I’ll try cutting them on the band saw.

I use J B Weldclip_image001[2] to secure the threads to the brass

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